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As droughts intensify, this Utah family farm is ditching the Monsanto way

As droughts intensify, this Utah family farm is ditching the Monsanto way A traditional Utah alfalfa farm is radically changing its practices to survive a dry future By Luke Peterson | Photography by Trent Nelson This story is part of The Salt Lake Tribune’s ongoing commitment to identify solutions to Utah’s biggest challenges through the work of the Innovation Lab. Stan Jensen’s land in Centerfield was baked to a brittle alkali crust back in October. Walking across acres of what in a normal year would be green alfalfa, two little shadows chased us. “Oh, they love it here,” said Jensen, referring to his son and daughter following in our wake and playing with the dormant pivot sprinkler. “Barefoot adventuring, and we don’t have...

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Bulk Beef Buyers Guide

Bulk Beef Buyers Guide Many local farmers sell beef at bulk, you can try asking around or the internet is a great place to look. You can try “Grass-fed quarter beef Utah” or whatever state you live in. Also try other pages than the first one to find farmers that aren’t paying money to be at the top of the list. Social media is also a good platform to find local farmers, and from there you can ask them if they have bulk beef. At Sunnyside Up Pastures we have a website where you can see our information. Bulk Beef is usually sold in ¼, ½, and whole. We offer 1/8 as well for those who might not have...

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Intro about SUP and Megan

Day 1: Quick intro about myself and the farm. SUP is more than a place to buy delicious beef, we are changing the makeup of our farm. At Sunnyside Up Pastures we Engage in your health.  

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